Welcome to lickeyrailgroup.org - Dedicated volunteers are researching the history of railway workers lives and the associated impact on their families of accidents that occurred on Britain's railways.
You are free to download PDF copies of our research.
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Perhaps you have a railway ancestor and can shed light on the individual involved, and what became of them and their family?
We would be delighted to hear from you.
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JOHN WILLIAM 'JACK' WILSON added 3/12/2023
GEORGE EDWARD DOUGLAS 1882 -1936 added 22/12/2023
JOHN ORTON MALLABON 1867 - 1947 added 04/01/2024
THOMAS HARVEY TURVEY 1883 - 1929 added 07/01/2024
HENRY PARRY (Timekeeper) 1826 - 1847 added 25/01/2024
THOMAS TRUMAN (Shunter) 1900-1952 added 06/02/2024
ARTHUR KIMBERLEY (Foreman Painter) 1892-1952.pdf added 09/02/2024
WILLIAM KIMBERLEY (Wagon repairer) 1880 - 1943.pdf added 14/02/2024
LANCE CPL. J 'JACK' KINGS (Storekeeper) 1874 - 1915.pdf added 24/02/2024
HARVEY LAINCHBURY (Wagon Repairer) 1886 - 1920. pdf added 03/01/2025
DONALD A HILL-EADES (Labourer) 1909 - 1989. pdf added 05/01/2025
Albert Wanklin DCM (Wagon Repairer) 1882 - 1918.pdf added20/01/2025
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Lickey Rail Group would like to acknowledge the help and contribution of :
THE RAILWAY WORK LIFE & DEATH PROJECT: www.railwayaccidents.port.ac.uk
LIFE ON THE LICKEY: www.lifeonthelickey.com
Early in 2023 some local rail enthusiasts attended a talk about the work of the Railway Work Life and Death Project. That led to the formation of the Lickey Rail Group – named after the Lickey Incline.
Bromsgrove was once a significant railway location, partly because of the Lickey Incline – a two-mile climb toward Birmingham with a gradient 1 in 37. After the line opened in 1840 a depot grew around the new station, with sidings, engine sheds, wagon works and a community of railway workers.
Between the mainline railway operation and the workshops, work at Bromsgrove posed many dangers for rail employees.
The objective of the group is to research the cases from the RWLD project database, and other sources, to build a picture of the lives of the individuals working on our railways and the impact on our social history.